

Partake in area events
Camp in the Public Camping field (You can also camp on your display if you are using period correct tentage)

I/we confirm that  my vehicle and exhibits are covered by the relevant insurances to attend the above event, I/We have a full uk driving licence to drive at the event and that all weapons have the relevant de-activation certificates. Copies to be provided.I/we accept that any photos taken may be used by the organisers to promote further events in the future. I/we accept the decisions of the organisers are final and entry is by pass only. We confirm that we will keep all your personal information safe we do not share with  any third parties.

The focus of the event is Britain’s home front in the 1940s, so Allied Forces on manoeuvres and stationed in the UK.

Although the event is focused on WWII, there is an area allocated to display post-war vehicles and displays on a timeline within the showground. Please be aware that re enactors are expected not to de camp until after 5 pm on  each day of attendance.

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